Creating A More Productive Environment

How An Answering Service Enhances Customer Experiences

As a business owner, it's important to provide exceptional service to customers to build a loyal and strong customer base. This all starts when a customer calls your business and you make that very first impression on them. Rather than answer the call yourself, you can have a business telephone answering service to take the call for you. It not only helps outsource a part of your business but provides a consistent experience to the customer that can improve their satisfaction in the following ways. 

Improved Call Responsiveness

Customers calling a business want prompt and efficient service where their needs are addressed. The receptionist at the other end of the phone will be trained on how to answer calls for your business, be courteous to them at all times, and provide them with the assistance that they need. It ensures that your customer is heard by a real person, rather than navigating voice menu prompts with no end in sight. 

24/7 Availability

Have you ever called a business and nobody answered the phone? Ask yourself if you called back the next day, or if you moved on to find another business that would pick up the phone. A business answering service has 24/7 availability, which means that a live person will answer the phone no matter the time the customer calls. Having someone always answering the phone means that you always make contact with a customer when they call, which can prevent the loss of a sale or get you started on the wrong foot with them.

Reduced Wait Times

One of the problems with taking your own calls at a small business is that you are limited by the number of lines that you have and employees that can answer the phone. What happens when demand exceeds what you are able to provide? A customer may hang up the phone when they reach a busy signal or reduce their time on hold without knowing how long the wait will be.

A phone answering service can work by transferring customers to a receptionist when your lines are busy or nobody answers the phone after a specific number of rings. This reduces the amount of wait time a customer has because their call will always be answered by a real person. Even if the virtual receptionist is instructed to take a message, it's better than the customer having the phone ring endlessly with no response. 

Contact a local business phone answering service to learn more. 
